Saturday, October 12, 2013


This seems to be a period of culmination in which you make greater effort to get where you want to be.  I'm sure that sometimes your efforts feel fruitless and the results don't come easily.  Use the time to make your personal world strong and secure against any difficulties that arise.   Focus on building up your physical strength rather than moaning about how hard life feels.  Be diligent about moving ahead even though progress may be slow.  It is a step-by-step process.

Most goals now seem to be challenged. have been repairing old wounds and should feel that you have already prepared yourself and set the tone of your commitments.  You can handle the wait that challenges bring and still deal with your issues as they come your way.  Meeting new people from different places will expand your sphere of action.  The present influences signify new growth through contact with others.

I have always felt that 2013 was the end of a chapter on earth as we used to know it.  So I must say that over the last couple of years we finally began to wake up from all our hardships.  You could say we have all been in a "training period" which is and has pushed us forward toward expanding opportunities.

You now know where you are, where you fit with your needs, and with hopes to find out what's next in your planning.  Therefore, take advantage of the boost of energy that shall come between now and mid-spring of 2014.   Do not believe in limitation!

Your self-expression is important in all areas, especially in emotional relationships.  This influence can create tension in families as well as friendships.  You may desire to be close to someone or be free of them as well.    All confrontations work with the unconscious aspects of yourself to set you free from whatever holds you back.  You may need to develop a sense of detachment so you don't become so wrapped up in your emotions that you cannot see beyond them.  Using the process of self-control will help you let go of any anger.

You will either succeed in making your life an original statement of your uniqueness will be in a state of extreme tension because of the forces you let constantly obstructing your self-expression.  Don't keep or repeat your same old pattern.   Make the choice to embrace new creations.  Better yet...expand your thinking..  Thought is everything.....................

             "Thought is the sculptor who can create the person
                       you want to be"     (Henry David Thoreau)

P.S.  The purpose of all my blogging is to help stop civilization from destroying itself on my own time and in my own way.  It seems to feel that whatever is wrong is right!  Are we all out of control?
Believe what you want but my views are that LIGHT is coming our way!!!


Anonymous said...

As always, you are spot on. Moving on or .... moving forward is a hard thing to do. But, it is what moves us into the light. Thanks for this post -- perfect timing :)

Anne said...

You are a gift!! And spot on!

Unknown said...

Appreciate all of your comments so thank you both and be at peace!

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