Monday, July 8, 2013


The Dictionary states the word illusion being intellectually deceived or misled.  Perhaps the perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature.  Also a pattern capable of reversible perspective such as; a pipe dream, fabrication, or nightmare. I perceive the word illusion as a misleading image presented to the vision because we have been living this energy since time began.

The world is full of illusions.  Sometimes they are useful, like when you place a large mirror in a room to give the illusion of more space.  Magicians entertain us with illusions and slight
of hand tricks.  It can be designed to intentionally deceive and cheat, such as a pyramid scheme.  Even the Matrix films revealed brain twister illusions that were used to control the masses.  Those living in the matrix didn't know they were, and could not see through the illusion. It's not as far fetched as some people think.  In my opinion, I'd say without a doubt that we "ARE" living in an illusion.

Everyone understands how and why you tune into to a specific radio station.  You know all the stations are there on the radio, but you chose to zero in one by one and block all the others.  There would be too much noise if you listened to them all at once.  Dimensions are like that too.  The station we are currently leaving, having been tuned into for a long, long time is the 3-D physical dimension, that is what seems real to you, and that's how you lived for lifetime's so to speak.

The big energetic change every one's been talking about for several years, including me, points to a major dimensional shift where our primary focus will move out of the 3-D physical illusion and into the finer frequencies of the 5th dimension.  Some describe the change as a kind of ascension.  Some say the energies of the 5th are being downloaded into our physical bodies.  I think both descriptions are true and happening simultaneously.  So as part of the shift, we are moving in and out of different dimensions until we are more fully anchored in the next phase of this evolutionary multidimensional experience.  At least that will happen for some of us.

One of the things I've seen with my clients, since about 2003, is that we have been at a crossroad, deciding... on some unseen level, whether or not to be able to move forward to merge into the higher frequencies physically.  Early on, we have had no help from others who just wanted to stay in 3D.  This has affected us in many ways, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  It hasn't been happening to just our individual bodies but to the whole world of existence.  We are now, probably being forced with the decision to merge, by the work we have been doing for and on ourselves. You seem sort of  "here" but you snap into a daydream feeling like you've been somewhere else, and it's likely you have. Our sleep cycles often launch us into inter-dimensional travels and out of the box experiences.

The heavy emotional crap we carry around can't make the, those who hold onto it, to the past, won't be leaving the dock on this voyage.  Your decision also has to do with taking back your power and removing the blinders.

Some are aware of and sensitive to the shifting, others less so, because their blinders are still on.  So.. here we are seemingly trapped in physical time/space, living in the illusion that we are moving forward and that life will just go on as it has.  No matter which direction you decide to turn to at the crossroads, I promise you that nothing could be further from the truth.  There WILL be a separation, of that I am absolutely sure.  Who will be left at the dock and what will life be like for them?  Not too good, I suspect.  I "see" the facade, the illusion behind the illusion and it is one of servitude, total control, of giving over your power and perhaps not even being aware of it; a jail with no visible bars because they won't be necessary.  For those that are doing the work on themselves, the outcome will be quite different, freeing in so many ways, because they will be free of the constraints of the 3D illusion.

We are currently going up and down in a spiral of energy, most of us still clinging to the past, at least that's how the crossroad actually appears to me in vision.  I can see that this will go on at least through the fall of 2014.  The time is growing short.  Just being alive in physical reality calls for a certain kind of bravery, but we chose to be here, planned it,  and now we may be coming to the point of understanding why.

We need to keep doing the work of release on ourselves.  We need to plan whatever we want, but take each moment as it comes (even day by day).  We need to trust that the path is open, even if we can't see it or where it leads.  We need to go deep inside for the answers.  ALL THE REST IS AN ILLUSION!

"The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts"
                                                                                   * John Locke
"Life is too short to be little". * Benjamin Disraeli

"I see opportunities ahead and and some new changes in the cosmic weather."

There will be seven planets in retrograde!!!
Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, and Chiron.

Mercury still in Retrograde till July 20th.  More than just a dreaded time of technology and communication snafus.

Being at a 2,300 year change of ages from Pisces to Aquarius, we don't change overnight.  Major political, religious and scientific structures shall break down permanently.

Don't trap yourself with the word TIME as we look for a way to get somewhere or finish something.  Sometimes where we think we will go does not exist because we cannot always get there  with things that do not manifest so we create the illusion we are moving forward but what we think we want sometimes never happens.

Check your BELLY BAROMETER...and trust your true instincts!


lindy said...

i wonder how you can find such timely, helping, makes-us-think-for-ourselves things to translate for you and spend such an amount of time writing for us WHEN SO FEW HAVE THE COURTESY TO ACKNOWLEDGE AND COMMENT AND ASK FOR YOUR HELP??

THANK YOU SO ever xx

lindy said...

.........things to translate for US...that is, mercury retro indeed!

Anonymous said...

Barbara, how can I TuneIn to the right station? How can we make ourselves more aware to that?

philip the protestor said...

' wake me up... i want to dream! '
thanks Sis for your many insights and love.

Nancy Lew said...

So, how do you move forward and past the baggage if the baggage and emotional crap from others keeps pulling you back in? If we can choose as an individual to move forward into the next dimension, how do we do that when we are surrounded by others who hold us back?

It's kind of like the line from The Godfather --"Just when I think I am out, they keep pulling me back in"

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