Tuesday, July 23, 2013


"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.  We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.  More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking:  We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives."
____Albert Einstein____

What a brilliant quote from Albert Einstein and from my multidimensional perspective, he was right on target!

  We use intuition all the time, often without realizing we are.  The more you use, acknowledge and practice this gift, the stronger your intuition becomes.  Sometimes I call the undeniable power of trusting yourself THE BELLY BAROMETER because so many get a "gut feeling" when the intuition switch is on.  Most successful business people admit to relying on gut feelings.  I know, I do.

   I hadn't been to California in many years, when I received an invitation to visit and do some readings for some old friends and clients.  I didn't have a lot of interest in traveling but suddenly felt a pull inside of me to not think about it too much by just leaving the thought be  outside of me  before deciding to go to the west coast.  Out of the blue that belly barometer started to let me know that something was up and my reaction startled me with that thought.  I stalled and once again ignored the feeling until a friend extended another invitation  by saying, "get your butt out here as you are needed."  The thought of packing and making travel arrangements didn't thrill me and I kept going back and forth without making a decision. Obviously, the thought did not leave me.     A few days later I was getting ready for bed when a big burst of energy came in, with a "feeling" message that said:  TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS.  My friend was only the catalyst to push me along as I felt there had to be a bigger purpose for me to find out and go..  She was the kick I needed as there was a definite other reason to go besides visiting or doing readings.  I got myself in gear and pulled together the arrangements.

Like you, I live in a physical body.  Like many people, sometimes I don't realize how tired I am or when I need a boost.  So it came as a surprise when on the second day on my arrival to L.A., I was given the opportunity to receive a healing session with a Chinese doctor, an extraordinary man who is personal physician to the Dali Lama.  "Extraordinary" doesn't even cover it!
He was quiet and fully centered at all times.  While he banged on my back with his hands, getting out any negative or stuck energy, the ice cold paper towrels he had placed on my chest immediately became burning hot.  I tell you, it caught me by surprise as I thought I was on fire.  He had his eyes closed and just kept pounding away until he sensed that everything had cleared.  I definitely felt I had been bounced around some, but, at the same time, I felt the clearing.  It took a couple of days after the session to really register when I also began to feel a renewed energy filling me up.  It was a though someone had plugged me into SOURCE energy.  The whole thing was so magical that I could only be grateful for all the events that brought me to California and that moment, including the trust I had in my intuition.

People tend to think too much and over complicate intuition and how it works, when it's a simple function that is part of who we are.  We come into this world equipped with it, hard wired wired for it.  This is not a mental or intellectual process, but one that relies on feeling.  I am not talking about emotion, but FEELING.

   All you need to do is decode the system of how it works in you.  Some people may see a vision or have an AH HA moment of insight.  Everyone is different so you need to learn about the ways intuition registers for you.  Maybe YES feels hot and NO feels cold to you.  Maybe you have an inner vision of a stop light and red means GO and green means STOP.  For some people it registers as a chill or a tightness or a PING in the belly barometer.

   Give yourself some playful excercisers.  Keep it simple, take some deep breaths before you start.  I know of people who have used three index cards to get the answers to questions.  On one card write the word NO; on another write YES; and the last one may say, NOT NOW.  Try it for yourself by laying out the cards face down.  Ask a question and then slowly move your hands over each card.  See if something registers.  Or, close your eyes and use the image of a stop light.  Ask a question and see if the light turns red or green.  Maybe you respond to standing at a crossroad where left if YES and right is NO.  You get the idea.  There are so many ways to approach this and you should try as many as you can until you feel something that works and feels comfortable.

   This is a claiming of birth right, in my opinion.  As more people acknowledge and practice intuition, the more they will change and grow on the inside...and the more the world will change.
Don't forget or squander the gift.

*If you believe, you receive...

1 comment:

lindy said...

ah, karnak the magnificent...what to do when the intuition is willing but the body cannot?

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